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The research group is made up of DPIA personnel and is recognised nationally and internationally for its research activities in the areas it covers. Based on decades of experience, its members provide support to local companies, which recognise it as a research centre of reference in the field of applied materials research, also thanks to its laboratories. The group is also recognised at university level for the advanced training provided in various degree courses in engineering, agriculture and medicine.  All the activities listed above have given several students the opportunity to carry out activities for their dissertations or even curricular placements.


Nuovo strumento presso il laboratorio!!!

E' da poco arrivato un nuovo forno fusorio Nabertherm con una temperatura massima di 1000°C con crogiolo in grafite di volume 0.75l. Tale strumento consentirà…

Partecipazione Summer School Metal Additive MAnufacturing Bertinoro

Una delegazione del laboratrio ha partecipato alla Summer School Metal Additive Manufacturing tenutasi a Bertinoro dal 30/06 al 03/07. La Summer school è stata…

Partecipazione al meeting Create a Lubiana

Una delegazione del laboratorio ha partecipato il lunedì 24 giugno ad un gruppo di lavoro sui materiali per la fusione nucleare presso lo Josef Stefan Institute…