Research topics

The topics of the research group are related to materials science and technology, with a focus on metallic materials. The macro research areas of the group are:

Surface engineering, devoted to the study of environmental and mechanical degradation of materials (coatings and surface treatments);

  • Development of massive materials for structural applications;

  • Development of massive metallic materials and related treatments;

  • Optimisation of materials-related production processes;

  • Study of chemical degradation (wet and high temperature);

  • Study of mechanical degradation (wear, fatigue, creep even at high temperatures);

  • Research and development on materials produced using 3D printing techniques (metallic and polymeric materials);

  • Study on the recyclability of materials;

  • Materials for H storage;

  • Optimisation of materials for the biomedical field (surface engineering and masses);

These macro areas are also developed in collaboration with partners from public and private institutions.

The research group actively collaborates with various research groups from the following Italian and foreign universities and research institutions:

It also actively collaborates with companies in the area, carrying out applied research activities.

The group has benefited from various national and international research project funding.  Projects with national or international funding that have just been completed or are ongoing are:

  • "FASTHER" INTERREG Italy - Austria project (2019 -2021).

  • "mCBEEs" ETN-ITN Marie Curie project (2018 - 2021).

  • "EURAXLES" - Minimising the risk of fatigue failure of railway axles" funded by the European Community under the 7th Framework Programme for the three-year period November 2010 - November 2013;

  • PON-FESR project THALASSA (2019 -2022);

In addition, the group over the years has provided assistance for several joint research projects with companies on regional funding.