PhD Giovanni Capurso

Assistant professor L240/10 type B in Materials Science and Technology

SC:09/D1; SSD:ING-IND/22

Tel. +39 0432 558826


Scopus Author ID: 35333604100


Short CV

Researcher in the area of Materials Science and Technology, in which, among other activities, he oversees the development of innovative materials for hydrogen storage (as well as other fuels with reduced environmental impact.) and handling.

In service at the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture after several years of research abroad at the Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon (Geesthacht, Germany) as a researcher and in postdoctoral positions. During this time, he was involved in the study, characterization and development of novel materials, reactive hydride composites, advanced systems for solid state storage, compression, and conversion of hydrogen, for conversion of CO2; design, integration, and test of the systems thereof. These activity are mainly in the framework of the several national, European, and international projects (including: Digi-HyPro, HyCARE, H2HybridTank, HYDRIDE4MOBILITY, CO2MPRISE, HySCORE, BOR4STORE), some of which he coordinated at the local unit level.

Formerly a postdoctoral fellow and, before that, a PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Padua, he discussed a doctoral thesis entitled “Innovative Materials and Systems for Solid State Hydrogen Storage”. Also at the University of Padua, he obtained his master's and bachelor's degrees in Materials Science and Engineering, with year spent oversea, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Author and co-author of numerous publications in international journals and referee for many of them, he also edited some special issues of peer-reviewed journals; holder of two international patents. Speaker (including invited) at national and international scientific conferences and symposia; he was elected chair of the GRS seminar "Hydrogen-Metal Systems" for the 2019 edition.

Research topics

  • Innovative materials for the handling and storage of hydrogen and other fuels with reduced environmental impact